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First Anniversary: Lisa and Julia

Married on June 10th 2023 at The Lake House, Wolcott, CT

On the most perfect June afternoon, Lisa and Julia married surrounded by their supportive and loving family and friends and against the backdrop of the weeping willow on a serene lakefront.

The highlights of their ceremony, besides their tear-jerking vows to each other, was a beautiful tribute to Lisa's late mother and a reflection the couple wrote themselves on marriage equality and LGBTQ rights.

I couldn't have more impressed by this couple, the way they built their relationship and their life together. Here is the love story that was shared during their ceremony:


The best part about love stories are the surprises. Before it happens, none of us have any idea how or when we’re going to meet the person we’ll spend our whole life with. You meet someone new; there’s an introduction, a smile; maybe they’re a coworker or a classmate but in that moment, they’re just another person going through life on this planet, just like you. You have no clue just how important they will become.

This is why reliving the love story, especially on your wedding day, can be so much fun and so special. To be able to look back through the past and pin point that moment. There it is. There’s the exact spot where we crossed paths and from that point on, neither of us were ever the same.

Julia and Lisa on their wedding day

At the time of their crossing, Julia and Lisa were battling their way through the harrowing process of grad school interviews. One from New York and one from Georgia and yet they intersected here in Connecticut on the campus at UConn.

Their first impressions of each other were a bit mixed. Lisa’s first memory of Julia was of a living room gathering at their host’s apartment. They chatted about sororities and other small talk pleasantries people tend to do in these situations.

Julia’s recollection of those early days are a little less vivid. UConn was her third stop on the grad school tour but her first choice. Travel worn and worried about her interview,  her memories over their first meeting were understandably fuzzier than Lisa’s.

After that trip, there was no way of knowing if they would ever meet again. It’s only by looking back now, can we see it; the moment everything for Julia and Lisa changed forever. But how would they get from that passing instant to this big day 7 years later?

Fortunately, in this modern era, social media keeps us all connected. When Lisa was accepted into the program she saw Julia’s post celebrating the same news and reached out to her about potentially sharing an apartment. With Lisa’s Dad acting as apartment hunter, they were able to agree on a place and by the end of the summer Julia arrived to meet Lisa in person for the second time.

Practically strangers turned roommates, the two experienced some initial awkwardness and, at first, gave each other their space. But then after a month, they suddenly began talking about everything. Perhaps it was the realization that since they had to live and work together for two years, they might as well get to know each other as much as possible.

Lisa and Julia found themselves camped out at their dining room table for long sessions they later dubbed the “interrogation station”. Not as menacing as it’s title suggests, these hours were spent in the most amazing conversations in which they discovered the true depths of the other person’s identity and soul.

Very quickly a connection was created, stronger and more unique than the word “friendship” could describe on it’s own. Finally, one accidentally romantic evening opened the door for some new questions and brought with it some clarity. Talking and holding hands in their living room, Julia remembers thinking


“Oh shoot – maybe we’re in love. Let’s do it! Let’s be in love!”


In retelling this story, they joked how inadvisable their situation was. Going to school, working, living together AND dating?  On paper, it might have seemed crazy, but it all worked out in the end and it is my belief, that it was largely due to their incredible communication.

Those intense Q&A sessions became “what if” conversations. They talked about everything that could possibly make a relationship fail. Things like money, kids, religion; all the big scary ones that some couples avoid until years into their marriage — Julia and Lisa tackled them all. And the result was a peace and a confidence that they would make it and this amazing thing they had would be forever.

In their years together they have definitely weathered their share of ups and downs, all while learning from each other and growing as individuals. They are both planners, both analytical but in marvelously different ways, creating their balance. Lisa is the extrovert, the activities director and the birthday manager. Julia is the financial planner, the home project visionary and Lisa’s number 1 source for information, news and pop culture. And when there is overwhelm, each has their own way to perfectly recharge the other’s energy. Different strengths but blended together to make this partnership work. Lisa and Julia are continually co-constructing this life, lifting each other up, respecting their viewpoints and loving each other for exactly the person they are.



Officiant: @eaceremonies

Vow Books: @eamartshop

Photography: @catebarryphotography

2nd Shooter: @katlyn.godfrey

Videography: @thenoirfilms

Hair / Makeup:

Suits: @josabank

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